When you hire a commercial cleaner, you deserve to get what you’re paying for. You shouldn’t have to remind your janitors to clean or disinfect every room, and your supply closet should always be stocked for your convenience. If you have to constantly keep tabs on your cleaner, that’s the first sign that they’re not giving you their best work.
Even if you’re happy with your existing commercial cleaning company, it never hurts to assess where improvements can be made. Let’s take a look at how to set commercial cleaning standards and get the best work from your janitor.
In a post-COVID world, the average business takes cleanliness more seriously than ever before. Whether your commercial cleaner is new or has been disinfecting your business for years, it never hurts to establish or even reestablish your expectations.
Review your contract and the services you’re paying for, then take a walk through your establishment the day after your cleaning service was on duty. Is your commercial cleaner meeting your standards? If not, it’s time for a talk.
If you don’t discuss your expectations with your janitor, there’s too much room for interpretation. Miscommunications can occur and what’s clean to your janitor may not be clean to you. Having this conversation is a great first step for getting the most out of your commercial cleaner.
Although your commercial cleaner is the expert when it comes to cleaning and disinfecting, it never hurts to ask a few questions:
Getting the best work from your janitor will likely require occasional or even frequent communication. Let your cleaner know when they do a great job, but also let them know when you want or need something. A regular feedback loop is the best way to ensure your commercial cleaner provides consistently great work, and it also ensure you get a good value.
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